This is my accessory post. :D
I made a purple silk belt out of scraps - linen backing, some belt stiffener cut to size sandwiched in the middle and some blue/red changeable taffeta for the outside with a self-fabric rosette and a faux jet button in the middle of the rosette. I really like it! It stays where it's supposed to, unlike the ribbon belt I'd been using before.
The second accessory which took the longest (November til May, seriously!) is a swiss waist, made out of the leftovers of the red silk dress I made for the weddings LAST year. It's dupioni, which is NOT period correct, but it's not very slubby, and from a little ways away the slubs are barely noticeable. I'm not wearing it over the proper skirt, it's just two petticoats and a white waist I made for Anna.
I shall post my ballgown, which is also finished (!!!!) when I get good pictures of it, becuase it is too glorious to post ok pictures of, which is all I have now. Here is a teaser, however:
And now on to the accessories: